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How I fell in love with My Boyfriend's Best friend P 2.

Incase you did not read the first part P1, Click me to read the first part

My boyfriend quickly jumped out of bed into his boxers and ran out behind me crying out "I am sorry baby I can explain... baby I can fix this, you need to give me a hearing ear..."
How I fell in love with my boyfriend's best friend p2

Half way into the the hostel court yard, he discovered he was putting on just boxers and ran back to the room.
Back at Mike's place, I told him the whole story. As I talked, I got a little emotional because it occurred to me my room mate and boyfriend might have been sleeping together for long and I was just not aware. I got bitter as I wallowed in thoughts.  My years of faithfulness might have just been in vain.
Mike saw the hurt evaporating out of my soul and came up toward me. He embraced me so tight and whispered to my ears "well now you have someone who will never hurt you... you have someone who will value and appreciate you all the days life will offer... you have me baby... cry not... let's make this moments the best starting from now"
I could not only hear,  but feel his words as they dropped on the surface of my heart.  His tight hug got me 'horny' we did it again.
It was barely 48 hours since I met Mike but we had  already had sex three times. In the bed room, on the kitchen shelve and now on the parlor couch. After that round, we both slept off and i only got up late into the evening.
How I fell in love with my boyfriend's best friend

I got up to see that Mike had left. He surely did not want to cut my siest Short, I thought to myself while going to the kitchen to prepare something for dinner. While in the kitchen I heard music coming from the balcony of the posterior part of the little castle. It was a song by the singer, Edsheeran. That was my favorite song. The wordings pulled my attention from the work I was doing and got me going toward the back door where the sound came from. As I opened the door,  there stood Mike, dressed in suit and tie like hottest guy I ever met and would ever meet. Infront of him was a well decorated table carrying a bottle of "Cooks'' champaign and two wine glasses. The table also had assorted desserts with barbecue. The aroma in that space was so breathing taking but what actually took my breathe was the sweetness of my barely one day old lover. Right infront of the table was a heart designed in roses and the writing read... "If loving you kills,  dead will be my best wish for I don't mind dying if I will die after loving you". My eyes watered at the romance. I struggled holding my emotions innert but couldn't.  Out a sudden, I started sobbing... not out of pain... toomuch joy could really make me cry like a year old girl. Mike in a courtesy gesture, handed over to me a tissue and after I dried my eyes, he said to me "Can I have this dance?" While extending his right arm towards me with his head bowed to the ground and his left hand at his back like a 'Tango' dancer does it.
Without hesitation,  I gave into his request and we rocked the dance floor minutes in the company of Edsheeran's musical bars, after which we ate together like It was my first date with Mike.

 Yes it was an official way to replay our meeting. After the meal, carried me in arms, my legs clenching together at his back like a knot to ensure my stability and we went inside. I wanted more... My whole body asked for more... inside, I pulled off my clothes and stood all null, untied his tie slowly and took off his shirts and pants one button at a time until he was as he came to earth, then I pulled him into the shower and under the dripping of the cold waters of the shower, we did it again.
The next morning, I discovered my boyfriend or "ex boyfriend" Raph had given left me over 50 missed calls while I had the best moments of my life with Mike. I did not want any explanation from either him or Claire my roommate.  I never wanted to give him a chance for I feared o could get pathetic and forgive him. I knew my soft spot so well. As I held the phone, he came calling again and just then,  Mike was walking into the living room. "Is he the one?" Asked Mike.
"Yes he is... he's been calling since last night" I replied.

"Give me the one. Let me be the one to talk to him" Mike added.
I handed over the phone to him.

"Do not bother calling again man. She's in good hands. I did not know you could be this cruel to tear up the very heart that stood for you against all odds... she has moved on already. Just groom your new relationship with Claire and make sure you do not cheat on her too" Mike spoke onto the phone with a voice as stern as that of a protective big brother. After speaking, he hung up even before Raph could say a word and handed over my phone to me.
"It will be okay baby" Mike assured me, in a bid to cheer up my mood.

P3 coming up soon...

In your opinion, am I doing the right thing with Mike? Please answer in the comment box below.

This Story is written by Tim N. Edwin.

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