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More than 80% of relationships nowadays is sustained solely by sexual intercourse. Many choose to go in for a relationship only because of this lone reason. Its true, such intimacy might be vital for your relationship, but should it be the sole reason for the relationship?

Relationships borne on the foundation of intercourse rarely last. Such foundations are usually highly brittle and get crushed in no time. The moment he or she has got enough of you already, he/she tries by all possible means to kick you off because to him/her, you get disgusting and he/she feels like trying something new and that’s  how it comes to an end within a very short timespan. He/then gets another and the chain keeps on in the main suit.
This should never be called a relationship. It is more of a game of lust and self satisfaction. Lust will never last long. It dies off in the blink of an eye.
A true relationship that is meant to last a life time is borne on so many pillars, giving It its solidity and firm foundation. This pillars are:
RECIPROCAL TRUE LOVE: Love is the greatest of all (1Corinthians 13:4-5). True love is the principal ingredient that spices up the sauce of a relationship. Without true love, no magic can be performed to make the relationship get established. A relationship that is void of true love is like a mansion on marshland. Though it may look, beautiful, it will soon sink. Such relationships are always characterized by anger, quarrels, tears, pain and hurt. This should not be the case because for every man or every lady under the sun, there is a perfect match that was made specially for him/her. The longer you try to keep on in such relationships that are void of love, the more pain you get. What you need do if you find yourself in such a situation is to seat back and think. Why did you go in for that relationship? Are those traits he/she portrayed to you during courtship still there? What of the care they showed at the beginning? When you retrospect, you will be able to place your hand on the real fact of the matter and see reason to take back your heart before it gets crushed beyond repair.
It is true there are some cases that you cannot just see yourself living separate from that person that hurts you so much. You still find yourself hanging on and loving him no matter the pain. That is the case of unreciprocated love. Love that is not shared between you two. Cutting off and learning to leave without him or her is the best thing to. Never hang on to someone who does not appreciate and valor your value for who you are. If you do, it will kill you slowly.
Secondly, it takes two GOD FEARING people to build a relationship on solid grounds. What God approves of, no man can turn down. If the two of you are not God fearing, there will be the tendency of straying off and cheating. Being God fearing keeps your conscience awake and helps keep you away from a lot of wrong acts that may toil your relationship. If your man or your woman does not get comfortable when you talk of God by them, check and recheck.
Do you know that getting healthily jealous in a relationship is an amazingly good thing? Especially when you two later on chat on it laughingly…
Stay posted for updates on the subsequent portion of this post…

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