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Paul Biya starts materialising his promises; could this be a campaign strategy?

A portion of the first consignment of presidential laptops arrived Cameroon today. It contained a total of 40,000laptops designed under the Mark PBHEV, meaning " Paul Biya's Higher Educational Vision". According to the minister of higher education Jacques Famé Ndongo, the second shipment of 40,000 will be arriving this Sunday the 24th of December 2017.

Uprising Artist, Chiaboi in his Track "Mami Nyanga". Feel wisdom in his words.

Who says Kamer HipHop & afro doesn't rock should do a rethink. Uprising artists are a glaring proof of Kamer's strength as far as music in west Africa is concerned. It may appear as an exaggeration but if you would fetch time out and go through a couple of solo songs from the "startups" or uprising artists, only then will you believe they've got more than just what we think and deserve all the encouragement and support necessary to soar higher. At this junction, I bring to you a solo hit from an uprising artist.. a perfect blend of all brands. Meet CHIABOI in this track titled "MAMI NYANGA". Hope you enjoyed it. Support him by sharing this please. Thanks a million.

Magasco's latest Video "Sokoto" Official. Prod. by Empire Company. Watch and share!

  Magasco is at it again as usual. He is not letting any stone unturned. Feel his hype in this latest release of his titled "Sokoto "  in which he portrays the classic part of himself... the guy in suit and tie. most of the scenes of the video are shot in the town of Buea, Southwest region of Cameroon. Click, Watch and enjoy. Please do not forget to share

How I fell in love with my boyfriend's best friend. P1

       After dating for a while, he introduced me to his best friend, a cute tall and fair complexioned guy. I immediately liked him; the way he talked, the tones produced by his voice, his outfits and his structure.

Latest Freestyle from KO-C. A Big Dreams prod.. Super fast, Super meaningful, Super Dope. #CheetahFastRap.

Hey guys! Its him again. could not wait to share this with you. Seat back, relax and listen to one of West Africa's fastest and finest rapper do his thing his own way... the dopest way... the coolest way... click, watch and enjoy... Its always been your loyal guy KO-C

Trump's Travel Ban gets effective: See 6 countries that will not have access to the U.S

The president of the United States of America on his campaign tours promised to establish internal peace and stability through putting a ban on Muslim immigration into USA. This decision of his was criticised my a Muslim majority and a greater part of the Democrats. According to the President, the mischiefs that follow America can be accounted for by these Muslims. Earlier this week on Monday, Trump's policy on the travel ban was effected by the court. The verdict put six Muslim countries at a halt towards traveling to USA.  These countries are Libya, Yemen, Chad, Iran, Somalia and Syria. The case of Chad being banned had been seen as largely unfair as the country itself is one of those in sub Saharan Africa who are in the combat against terrorism. Chad has put in a lot to fight against . Boko haram. But still faces a travel ban from the U.S president . Chad has no record of terrorism against another country or within itself. Reason why must advocates saw weaknesses in Trum

Video and images: MPs disrupt budget presentation by prime minister for reasons below..

At the Parliament. The Members of Parliament belonging to the Social Democratic Front yesterday put up a calm display of their rights over facts deemed just by the party. The bone of contention was the fact that the major problem plaguing the country, the anglophone crisis was not on the menu. After all the emphasis and pressure, all the speaker could do was to say the anglophone problem will be looked into during subsequent parliamentary sessions This was what came out to be the immediate cause of the demonstration in the parliamentary house. These demonstrations brought to chaos the menu for that day as the singing, whistling and dancing made hearing of the prime minister's speech almost completely impaired. Nonetheless, the message was definitely passed on and will be looked upon. The country's budget was measured to a whooping amount of over 4000+ billion francs CFA, an amount that ought to bring an immense change in the country's economy if put to efficient use. T


GBHS FONTEM Government Bilingual High School Fontem, a seed of knowledge located in Lebialam division of the South West region on Saturday the 25th of November reportedly caught fire. According to the reports, the principal's office, the bursar's office and that of the discipline masters were all burnt to ashes, incurring a great lost in material and data. While the source of the mysterious fire is still to be realised, all fingers are pointing to the anglophone problem. According to the principal, the net worth left behind could amount to some 10million francs CFA. This fire incident has summarily brought interruptions to classes as the infrastructure needs to undergo renewal and renovation. GBHS Fontem dates as far back as 40years and is renowned for the mass if youths it sends out to further educational cycles and to the world of professionalization annually.


The Zimbabwean president, Mugabe finally resigns following the recent pressure mounted upon him by the ZANU-PF political party. He has been president for over 30+ years in a country that should be a democratic one, showing the weaknesses of the constitutions of most African countries. His resignation was paved by him through his sack of the vice president, Mnangagwa. This act of his was not welcomed by the military and a majority of the civilians. The dislike gradually mounted into some sort of protest and open demonstrations. In a response, the ZANU-PF party had to dismiss him as president of the party and considered his acts a sign of incompetence. After his dismissal, he was given until mid day on Monday 20th of November 2017 to resign or face an impeachment. On the  evening of Sunday, he read a speech which initially was predicted to be his resignation speech but unfortunately it was not. In the speech he acknowledged the ongoing tensions in the country and promised the problems wi

Mugabe asked to resign before Monday 10:00GMT or face impeachment.

Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's president is currently on a hot seat as the country goes into chaos following the dismissal of the vice president by Mugabe. The dismissal of the vice president immediately generated coup feelings in the nation. The pressure mounted up to the extent that the population of Zimbabwe had a demonstration out in the streets, along side the military. Grace Mugabe, the wife of the president fled to Rwanda and a couple of top officials of Mugabe's reign have been exiled. As of now, Robert Mugabe gas been replaced as the main man of the ruling party and the vice president is there as an interim. Robert Mugabe has been given until Monday at 10:00GMT to peacefully resign as president or face an impeachment. Mugabe assumed office in 1987 and has been president of Zimbabwe since then. He was born in 1924. He has grown old and fragile yet still power thirsty. Sources say he wanted to hand over power to his wife, Grace Mugabe, a situation likely impossible. The


Christiano Ronaldo, the agile Real Madrid forward who hails from Portugal has made history his thing as far as European football is concerned, both at the national level and in his club. Christrano was nominated FIFA best player of the year beating other contesters like Neymar and Messi. Ronaldo is well known for his force and stamina as far as dwelling in a football pitch is concerned. He had an awesome 43.16% of votes, Messi 19.25% and Neymar 6.97%. The disparity in the percentages was so wide, keeping Ronaldo a giant step ahead. This award permitted him to catch up with Lional Messi. Now they both bear 5 Ballon D'ors each. FIFA's best 11 was also nominated and Real Madrid had 5players present in the list. The list was made up of  Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar, Kroos, Alves, Modric, Bonucci, Iniesta, Ramos, Buffon and Marcelo. Buffon was also nominated best goalkeeper of the year after he went for more than 600minutes accumulated without conceding a goal. Zinedine Zidane w

Kamer Power.. Meet Rapper KO-C who flows like Sarkodie.

KO-C free styles on "mad for your Love " beats. The flow of this heavily talented artist has no match in the territory. He speaks knowledge, fun and is coherent, making sure all his schemes rhyme up producing the necessary thrill for you his amazing fans. Never knew KO-C? Here is your opportunity to meet one of the finest in the continent. Least I forget to mention, He's cute and classy. Check out this freestyle. you will also love this

MR. P Drops a cool hit titled "Cool It Down" Watch Here.

One of the brothers in team Psquare who now goes by the name Mr P dropped a cool hit 2 days ago titled "cool it down". The music is an expression of love. It shows him begging to stay on with a girl he truly loves. Watch and enjoy. Please Click Here  to like us on facebook.

5 simple workouts to burn belly fats

Looking gorgeous in that your favorite gown is very necessary. Often you get uncomfortable with the look you portray in your favorite outfit. Well, worry no more because the ultimate solution is here. Gain back your true shape and size without using any chemicals. just by following this 3 minutes video and doing it regularly, maybe 4 times a week or daily, you will get back that awesome look you've always desired to keep. NB. the exercises are very simple such that any one can do them with ease. check it out. sure you will enjoy it. Please click to    <like us on facebook>

Nigerian Rapper raps in cool french... Bhad Guy Falz.. Watch video.

you wont believe this cool hit by Falz in which he displays his multilingual capabilities. He shows through his singing talent, his ability to thrill and increase his fan base by singing in both french and English language in his latest hit titled " LA FETE ". Click to watch video.

Watch Frank Edward's New song that records top on social media for its sweetness.

Popular, amazingly gifted gospel musician, Frank Edwards who sings for Loveworld Records released an amazing song titled "Here to Sing" featuring gospel artist Chee. The said song was published earlier this month on social media and won a rampaging amount of views and likes. The song already stands the chance of topping monthly and why not yearly release charts.. Frank Edward is well known for his ministration through heart and soul touching gospel music, the most renown of his tiltles including "Okaka, Oghene Do, Changing lives, and fire go" just to name a few. Seat back relax and feel the breeze of praise blow through you. Pls do not forget to hit the like on top right of this page or click here like us on facebook .. thank you.   check out the video below .

Football star about to be Country's president.

George Tawlon Manneh Oppong Ousman Weah, simply known by many as George Weah is an African soccer player that hails from Liberia. He took his debut from minor junior African teams like The invisible eleven,  Tonnerre de Yaounde, Mighty Barrolles, Young Survivors Claratown and many other junior African Teams in his youth. He was born on October 1st 1966 and is 51 years old today. His football career reached its apex in the 1990s From 1992, he played for Monaco, Paris Saint Germaine, AC Milan, Chelsea, Manchester, Marseille. In 1995, he was named FIFA best player of the year with a ballon d'or award and in 1996, he was named African footballer of the century. He represented his country twice at the African cup of nations and spent about 14 years in France playing professional football for clubs. His talent depended on his amazing dribbling skills and his speed. He was the first ever African to claim FIFA ballon D'or. He became interested in politics and went in for pr

The PSQUARE Problem. see the true cause of the problem. watch how they fought in public.

Peter OKoye, Paul Okoye and Jude Okoye are blood brothers born to a single Nigerian family. Peter and Paul Okoye, better known by their artistic name PSQUARE have been into music for more than 15 years today and have released about six powerful albums, making them legends in the African music industry. Jude, Peter and Paul Jude Okoye, Also known as Jude Engees, is the big brother of the twins; Peter And Paul. Jude Engees has been their manager for a greater portion of their musical career. Many alledged the on going squabbles between psquare to have been caused by their wives but that is not true. The ongoing problem started way back in 2015 when one of the twins, Peter Okoye asked their big brother, Jude to step down from management because to him, they were in for business and not family stuff. This request from Peter was not welcomed by his brother, Paul who promised to go solo in case their big brother stepped down from management. As time unfolded, the flames of the q

How to get Free Internet connection for a lifetime from satelite.

Have you ever wondered how you can get free internet connection that is limitless for your browsing device? this is your solution. Never believed it was possible until I saw it work out smoothly. Once you have the basic materials required at your disposal, you become limitless.  check it out in the video below NB: The Video is For study purposes only please. Hacking is not good.

concours 2017! See list of concours launched for the month of October and November. Download communiques.

Below are the lists of concours launched for the months of October and November 2017 by the minister of higher education. Do good to compile way ahead of time and stand at an advantage.  click on the link to download cpmmuniques for the concours launched CLICK ME TO DOWNLOAD


Issa Tchiroma Still refutes-there is no anglophone problem. watch short video. Equnox Televison

Sparked by the the recent paste of unfolding activities in the north west and south west regions of Cameroon (Southern Cameroons), the minister of of communication, Issa Tchiroma Bakary went touring media stations round the country. As seen, his main objective was to try as much as possible to refute and try to curb the rate at which every activity taking place in the English regions of the country were being propagated, especially that which directly touched the government. The immediate cause of this tour was the peaceful demonstration of 22nd September and the planned declaration of the independence of Southern Cameroons (1st October).  This steps taken by the anglophone population of Cameroon made the country to remember their long abandoned history as senators, members of parliament and some dignitaries assembled at the Monument of Reunification environs to commemorate October 1st, an aspect so unusual. In his tour, Issa Tchiroma came across equinox television and Hanson Nfor

Breaking! A couple of MPs resign including Hon. Wirba.

News of resignation of some MPs from Parliament has gone viral on the internet today. The list included MPs like Famous Honourable WIRBA and Honourable MbAH NDAM. Their alleged resignation is said to be linked with the ongoing crises plaguing the anglophone regions of the country. Honourable Wirba has been a blazing flame as long as the struggle of the anglophones is concerned. He had even openly confronted his fellow colleagues in parliament to make the anglopgone's voices heard. Their resignation shows how determined they are to see permanent solutions reached in the problem faced by the anglophone regions of Cameroon. The gesture was applauded by the population of the NW and SW regions of Cameroon as they welcomed them in triumph.

Trump gets briefed on Cameroon's Anglophone Problem.

President Donald J. Trump during the UNGA union asked to be updated with the happenings of some African countries, Cameroon being one of them. He was updated with the happenings of the country by some subordinates. Trump being the president of the world's pivotal country, USA has the ability of turning tables as far as crises are concerned in countries in need. He was drilled on aspects attributed to the founding of the country and the probably the causes of its present day situation. To most Cameroonians of the North West and South West region, if president trump puts his hand of steel on their matter, it will never remain the same. The English speaking population of Cameroon waits in great expectations.

Robert Mugabe's speech is among the best at UNGA. Watch this short version and see wisdom.

President Robert Gabriel Mugabe was born on February 21st, 1924. He assumed office as president of Zimbabwe on the 22nd of December 1987, making him president for roughly 30years today. Gluing to office is not only his thing but a spirit shared by many African leaders. Robert Mugabe has not got popularity and fame only in his country but in the whole of Africa. His popularity has been massively established by his famous quotes that go viral on social media daily. At the United Nations General Assembly, Robert Mugabe made a speech that stood out from those of other African leaders. In his speech, he referred to Donald Trump as a Golden Goliath. Why did he say so? WATCH MUGABE'S SPEECH His speech brought several rounds of applause and did not keep the audience bored as was the case of many other presidents. Nonetheless, Robert Mugabe showed signs of aging out in the manner in which he presented his speech.

Listen to What H.E Paul Biya's speech was made of - 72nd United Nations General Assembly

The turn of the president of the Republic of Cameroon, president Paul Biya finally came by at the UNGA and he presented his speech. Did his speech really follow the trend of expectations from the Cameroonian population?  Watch President Paul Biya's speech His speech was regular. he highlighted terrorism, climatic crises and elaborated that though these are present, it should not be a hindrance to sustainable development. The president of the Republic of Cameroon also highlighted peace as the tombstone  for sustainable development. He went forward to site situations of terrorism that had taken place in the world as in Cameroon( the case of Bokoharam). It is a coincidence that the president's speech goes on alongside demonstrations in the NorthWest and South West Regions of the country.

Abakwa women unleash the "Takumbeng" during peaceful demonstration.

The population of the north west and south west regions of Cameroon are out on the streets again for a round of peaceful demonstration so as to urge the government seek quick and durable solutions to the problems plaguing the aforementioned regions. The movement this time took the phase of an ancient traditional practice in the grass fields called the 'Takumbeng' movement. This is a special sacred movement manifested by women following powerful traditional norms and regulations. the Takumbeng is not very renown as it is only manifested in situations of great desperation and extremity in whatever be the case. The Takumbeng has been unleashed a couple of times in the grass fields of Cameroon as shown below; 26th May 1990, prompted by the killing of about 6citizens during a pro democratic manifestation. 1992 presidential elections, when Fru Ndi was places under house arrest, the Takumbeng surrounded the compound to prevent his formal arrest. 1998, the Takumbeng provided a

First consignment of 80.000 laptops to arrive Cameroon by November.

The promised laptops by the president of the Republic of Cameroon, H.E Paul Biya  has its first consignment set for delivery. This first consignment is made of a bulk of 80.000 laptops out of the promised 500.000 pieces. This implies about 420,000 pieces are still awaiting completion and subsequent delivery. According to the school calendar, all universities will be resuming by the last week of September, with the exception of the University of Bamenda and the University of Buea for obvious reasons - these two universities will still be on a break by that time because they had to carry on catchup studies due to the problems they encountered that in turn interrupted their school calendar. By the implication, the University of Yaoundé and of Dschang will be the two state universities to benefit from the first consignment of laptops come November 2017. The worry now is; will the subsequent delivery be able to completely meet with the present number of students in all the universi


The annual general assembly of the United Nations took off on the 19th of September 2017 and will be ending on the 25th of September 2017. It involves about 193 member countries, Cameroon inclusive. This is usually a platform for world leaders to discuss global issues and also tackle individual problems facing their respective countries. So far, a good number of heads of states have had their turn already to present their strengths, worries and pleas to the board, with the most prominent being the speech of president Donald J. Trump of the United States of America. In his speech, he dueled more on the problems posed by North Korea and swore devouring them in case they tried materializing any of their threats. His Excellency President Paul Biya of the Republic of Cameroon will be mounting the rostrum come Friday 23rd of September 2017. What will his speech duel more on? H.E PAUL BIYA In the past one and a half year, Cameroon has been under a tense atmosphere of insecurity, pai


Sacred Heart college Mankon is one of the most popular schools in the north-west region and belongs to the Roman Catholic mission. This school is well known for her excellent performance in the past decades as far as national competitive exams are concerned. On Monday 18 th of September 2017 at about 8:30-9pm, an unidentified person or group of persons set a dormitory in the school ablaze. Before the flames could be subdued, it had already devoured all the contents of the dormitory. Fortunately, no human loss was incurred because the burning took place at a time when the students had gone to the chapel for evening prayers. Dormitory Building. This act kept the parents of students in this school in a situation of great unrest as thy feared their children could have been hurt in the incident. The sch ool premises was proliferated by a good number of parents, some even took home their kids and vowed sending them back only when total calm has been ensured in the school premis


More than 80% of relationships nowadays is sustained solely by sexual intercourse. Many choose to go in for a relationship only because of this lone reason. Its true, such intimacy might be vital for your relationship, but should it be the sole reason for the relationship? Relationships borne on the foundation of intercourse rarely last. Such foundations are usually highly brittle and get crushed in no time. The moment he or she has got enough of you already, he/she tries by all possible means to kick you off because to him/her, you get disgusting and he/she feels like trying something new and that’s   how it comes to an end within a very short timespan. He/then gets another and the chain keeps on in the main suit. This should never be called a relationship. It is more of a game of lust and self satisfaction. Lust will never last long. It dies off in the blink of an eye. A true relationship that is meant to last a life time is borne on so many pillars, giving It its

Long Awaited 500.000 Laptops.. President's promise!

In the beginning of last academic year, the Head of State, H.E Paul Biya promised to distribute 500000 laptops to all legal universities across the country. This gesture of his was contradicted by a handful of intellectuals who saw it as a mere waste of funds. Their analysis were as follows;     Firstly, the said laptops were to be bought with borrowed funds amounting to a sum of 75 Billion CFA. This amount was to be borrowed from China. To intellects, the amount was seen to be far too much for such a venture and the mere fact that the money was going to borrowed meant entangling the country into a cumbersome national debt for a venture that is not durable.     Again, the contract for the said laptops was to be carried out by a Chinese company named Sichuan Telecomm Construction Engineering back in China. This meant all rewards for man power, intermediary and other auxiliary services were all to be at the benefit of the Chinese. To these school of intellects, the president could brin

Who will you date between Wizkid and Davido? Why? Watch this amazing Video and see what the girls say.

Wizkid Ojueleba versus Davido aka O.B.O Baddest ! These are two famous celebrities in Africa and the world at large. Their cuteness, fame and wealth makes them almost every woman's dream. But really, who would you prefer if you had the chance to choose among these two? Watch what these girls say in the video below and please comment with your own choice and reasons...

Ayah Paul Abine pays visit to the central prison. Meets Mancho.

   One of the advocates of the anglophone crises, Ayah Paul who was released by presidential decree a week or two ago went back to the central prison. This time not as a convict but as a father. He went with food stuff and a lot more to salut all the other anglophone brothers and all those who were taken in as a result for them. This shows he is not just sympathetic but he also empathizes with them. After being there for more than 8 months, he knew it is not easy to be there especially when those who are out do not get to think of you. He was appraised for this generous gesture of his. He did not go there alone. Ayah Paul Abineh was accompanied by the National organizing secretary of the party P.A.P. He met detainees like Mancho Bibixy, and a lot others. He continued to demand the unconditional release of all anglophones who were taken in in the course of the Anglophone crises. He put smiles in the faces of many detainees as they felt the joy of not being abandoned. Ayah Paul con

Total Secession versus Federation... What the government Actually wants.

The anglophone problem is no new story the country today as even those found in the nukes and crannies of the country have heard about it. This problem did not start of recent. It has been battled upon as a cold war for a very long time now. The problem was set to the lime light by two major factors; the peaceful demonstration of the anglophone lawyers and teachers as they requested several amendments be made in their respective domains. Through this demonstrations, a faction of the anglophone population that had the ego in them for a while now took it on them to openly evoke their plight. This gradually turned the the "lawyers and teachers" grievances into what today makes up the famous anglophone problem. It is not strange... the lawyers and teachers make up the preliminary base of every society and they are the ones who hold the fate of the country. So, the grievance translating into what presently prevails was no mistake. At first, the saddened population had only one p

Breaking News American singer Don Williams announced dead. Watch short Video!

The Famous American singer who was known world wide for his fame in country songs was announced yesterday September 8th 2017 at the age of 78. He was married to Joy B. Bucher and a father of two, Gary and Timmy. Don William's mother was also a musician. He learnt the art of playing the guitar from his beloved mother. His singing  Career started at the age of 3 where he took part in local contests in the state of Texas where he grew up. This was under the encouragement of his mother. Don Williams He leaves behind His Family and a wide circle of fans to mourn him. Though gone, his inspirational music will forever keep memories of him fresh in the hearts of fans. RIP Watch VIDEO

KYLIAN MBAPPE SCORES AT HIS DEBUT GAME FOR PSG! did you know Mpabbe has Cameroonian blood in him? check this out.

The Monaco striker that was signed to Paris Saint Germain, guaranteed a 5 goal win against 1 for Metz. The 18 years old will cost up to some 180 million Euros.  His debut game was an amazing one that placed him on a high ranking platter in Ligue 1. Cavani's bullet kick  Neymar was not left out as he did his usual magic, adding to the total number of goals scored. Then Edinson, Cavani and Lucas added to the scores making 5 goals in the debut game. PSG triumph  The Metz defender, Benoit Assou Ekotto, a Cameroonian was sent off the pitch with a red card after playing a foul game against Mbappe. This was what opened up the scoring chances.  It will interest you to know that Kylian Mbappe hails from a Cameroonian and Algerian couple, though a french citizen. A win at the debut game placed PSG on top of the list, contested by Monaco. Monaco shall battle against PSG this Saturday to see who keeps the first position at Nice.

Hurricane Irma Turns to Category 5 Hurricane causing lost of lives and property. See images!

Hurricane Irma that developed on the Atlantic coast of the United State of America a couple of days ago has been noted for its tremendous increase in intensity. The Hurricane Irma was ranked yesterday at about 5PM as a Hurricane of 5th category. Island towns of Miami, Naples, Cuba, The Bahamas ahave been seen as the target of this deadly Hurricane. It is expected to reach Miami in less than 24 hours. The police have engaged in an evacuation mission in order to save a maximum number of lives in the targeted region. About 5.6 million people have been ordered to evacuate in the town of  Florida. Eye Of the Hurricane Irma According to the Miami beach Mayor, the Hurricane Irma could be termed a "NUCLEAR HURRICANE" this he deduced from the almost unpredictable hovering movement of the Hurricane. In West Palm Beach, about 10,000 people constituting mainly the disabled and the vulnerable have been moved into safety already. The Mayor advised families to get into rooms in their h


    The first week of school has finally come to an end. While eight of the 10 regions of Cameroon witnessed a turn out en mass of students and pupils, it was never the case in the North West and the South West regions of the country. These two regions recorded a very timid turn out of students and pupils even in areas that were relatively calm. Most parents that the editorial board of Tim's Blog walked up to open;y confessed they feared the safety of their children. To them, the massive presence of the military was a cause for panic instead of calm. In recent times, Cameroonians that make up the two English regions of the Country have always seen the militarization of their regions as a call for insecurity instead of security as it should definitely be. Empty School Campus Empty School Campus Nonetheless, the University of Bamenda and of Buea are currently going on. There was a reschedule of the time in order to catch up with the course outline for the year. Since the a


The Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo informs the general public that the entrance examination into Ecole Normale Superieur of Yaounde and of  Maroua has been officially launched. All details are contained in the PDF documents below. Click on "DOWNLOAD PDF" to download files ENS MAROUA⇊ DOWNLOAD PDF ENS YAOUNDE⇓ DOWNLOAD PDF Prof. JACQUES FAME NDONGO All interested candidates are called upon to follow the regulations written there in and avoid getting faulty information from fraudsters. They are also called upon to strictly follow the time elaborated.

BOOK SELLER watches his books being burnt by furious mob!

Yesterday at about mid day in the town of Limbe, a gentle man who had invested in the book selling business, probably prospecting it to be the best venture during this "back to school" period watched his books burn to ashes in front of him. A couple of youths who were pro struggle saw him selling on a shelve and immediately got infuriated by the fact that his business venture showed he was in support of school resumption. They immediately set his shelve to flames and all his stock was burnt to ashes while he stood and watched. SEE IMAGES↴ books burnt by angry mob

The Population of North West And South West Region In Tears!

     Apart from the anglophone problem and the Bokoharam insurgence that plagues our beloved country Cameroon, Accidents have also tolled the list for the past months with getting to 50 lives or more lost,  with the latest being the one on the Likomba-Mutengene road in the South West Region that led to the lost of two lives. SEE IMAGES⇊ ACCIDENT SCENE; LIKOMBA-MUTENGENE ROAD      The major cause of accidents is the state of the roads, a major case in point being National Highway No. 5 that links the North West region to the West. The state of this road is so pathetic. It takes close to four hours for a skilled driver to leave from Babadjou to Bamenda, a distance that would normally take an hour or so when the roads were good. The whole population of the North West cries out for the roads to be put in order. The poor state of the roads afflicts health problems, pregnant women and the sick a strained to the maximum. The circulation of goods has also been limited by the state of

Hen plays the Piano on America's Got Talent; watch! astonishing!

You will not believe this but it is real. A hen hits on the notes of a piano delivering awesome musical notes that touched all the audience who burst out in a mighty round of applause. Even the judges were so amazed at what the hen did. Her tutor said she could perform for longer periods than what she actually did. WATCH VIDEO⬇

Nso's most dreaded juju buries man shot dead during a crucial encounter "The Guardian Post"

Following the recent activities that have been unfolding this week in the anglophone regions of Cameroon, Nso was one centre of attraction where the struggle took a different dimension. It involved an open encounter between the forces of law and order and the villagers of the milieu. This encounter led to the loss of lives and left  many wounded. This encounter scared parents from sending their children to school as they got terrified with the tense atmosphere of the zone. A man that lost his life in this encounter according to the Guardian post was buried by Nso's most dreaded juju of all time. According to the Guardian Post news paper, the man in question is a father of four. He leaves back his four kids and extended family to mourn him. The appearance of this dreadful juju was symbolic and shows the empathy the whole community had for the saddened family. As the events unfold, we stay aback to see how tranquillity finally comes back to the region.. (The editorial board of Ti

This latest piece of Mark Angel Comedy will make you laugh out your lungs!!

Mark Angel comedy squad has hit us again with another rib cracking comedy  titled "OVER SABI"... See this for yourselves my people. I cant stop laughing. watch and share.


Only a few billionaires walk the earth today. That’s no news. What makes news is that an African is in the list. Aliko Dangote was born on 10th of April 1957 into a wealthy family.. He later moved in with his grandfather after he lost his dad. He attended primary school at Sheikh Ali Kumasi Madrasa (an Arabic school). He was so business minded from child hood. He used to sell sweets while at school just to make profits. He later went to college in Egypt and continued with university studies in Cairo, Egypt. Aliko started establishing the Dangote group at his 20s as a little trade firm. This little firm later grew with time to be the biggest conglomerate in the continent. The Dangote group delt in food processing, cement manufacturing, they were also suppliers of soft drinks in the country alongside others. When Aliko Dangote was done with university studies, he took a loan of 500.000 Naira (about 2.500$ then) from his grand father, a loan he was supposed to pay in 3 years maximu


John 14:27 King James Version (KJV) 27  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. I n the verse above, we see Jesus Christ consoling His disciples as He is about to leave them. The disciples are troubled... troubled because they had found courage, comfort, and happiness in the time shared with Jesus Christ. They could not imagine how to continue keeping the faith while Jesus Christ was gone. So they had to question him so much in order to clear their worries. Jesus, being the son of the Almighty God already knew what His disciples were going through from the moment they knew he was going to live their side. So he said unto them "   Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." This peace was all the the disciples needed at the moment to move on and it came to th