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Showing posts from December, 2017

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Paul Biya starts materialising his promises; could this be a campaign strategy?

A portion of the first consignment of presidential laptops arrived Cameroon today. It contained a total of 40,000laptops designed under the Mark PBHEV, meaning " Paul Biya's Higher Educational Vision". According to the minister of higher education Jacques Famé Ndongo, the second shipment of 40,000 will be arriving this Sunday the 24th of December 2017.

Uprising Artist, Chiaboi in his Track "Mami Nyanga". Feel wisdom in his words.

Who says Kamer HipHop & afro doesn't rock should do a rethink. Uprising artists are a glaring proof of Kamer's strength as far as music in west Africa is concerned. It may appear as an exaggeration but if you would fetch time out and go through a couple of solo songs from the "startups" or uprising artists, only then will you believe they've got more than just what we think and deserve all the encouragement and support necessary to soar higher. At this junction, I bring to you a solo hit from an uprising artist.. a perfect blend of all brands. Meet CHIABOI in this track titled "MAMI NYANGA". Hope you enjoyed it. Support him by sharing this please. Thanks a million.

Magasco's latest Video "Sokoto" Official. Prod. by Empire Company. Watch and share!

  Magasco is at it again as usual. He is not letting any stone unturned. Feel his hype in this latest release of his titled "Sokoto "  in which he portrays the classic part of himself... the guy in suit and tie. most of the scenes of the video are shot in the town of Buea, Southwest region of Cameroon. Click, Watch and enjoy. Please do not forget to share

How I fell in love with my boyfriend's best friend. P1

       After dating for a while, he introduced me to his best friend, a cute tall and fair complexioned guy. I immediately liked him; the way he talked, the tones produced by his voice, his outfits and his structure.

Latest Freestyle from KO-C. A Big Dreams prod.. Super fast, Super meaningful, Super Dope. #CheetahFastRap.

Hey guys! Its him again. could not wait to share this with you. Seat back, relax and listen to one of West Africa's fastest and finest rapper do his thing his own way... the dopest way... the coolest way... click, watch and enjoy... Its always been your loyal guy KO-C

Trump's Travel Ban gets effective: See 6 countries that will not have access to the U.S

The president of the United States of America on his campaign tours promised to establish internal peace and stability through putting a ban on Muslim immigration into USA. This decision of his was criticised my a Muslim majority and a greater part of the Democrats. According to the President, the mischiefs that follow America can be accounted for by these Muslims. Earlier this week on Monday, Trump's policy on the travel ban was effected by the court. The verdict put six Muslim countries at a halt towards traveling to USA.  These countries are Libya, Yemen, Chad, Iran, Somalia and Syria. The case of Chad being banned had been seen as largely unfair as the country itself is one of those in sub Saharan Africa who are in the combat against terrorism. Chad has put in a lot to fight against . Boko haram. But still faces a travel ban from the U.S president . Chad has no record of terrorism against another country or within itself. Reason why must advocates saw weaknesses in Trum...